Types Of Somaliland Visa

and how you can Apply

Diplomatic Visa

Except in cases where a special order has been issued by Somaliland government…

Official Visa

Person Who is on official visit to Somaliland is eligible for the visa…

Tourist Visa

If you have obtained visa from Somaliland Diplomatic Missions, then you must…

Study Visa

Study visa is issued to foreign students pursuing academic / non academic degree…

Business Visa

We have provision of Business visa for investors and businessmen/women….

Residential Visa

The following foreigners and their family intending to spend life in Somaliland…

Transit Visa

Foreign nationals having a transit in Somaliland can obtain Transit Visa to enter…

Visit Visa

any one who want’s to apply the visit visa for somaliland should …..

Visa Circulation

In line with the Government’s National Development Plan and an overall policy of promoting Foreign Direct Investment and the Tourism Sector, the Ministry of Interior, while taking into account the security needs of the country would like to implement the following changes to improve service delivery and ensure compliance with international standard and practices through the Somaliland Immigration Department.

Applicants or travelers belonging to the following Category A will be able to obtain an entry visa on arrival at all Somaliland Ports of entry.

Category A: 

1.   Diplomatic Passport Holders,  

2.  UN passport holders, 

3.  National Service Passport holders, 

4.  Travelers from Multilateral Agencies, such as EU, AU, World Bank, US Aid, IGAD etc.

5.  All International NGO’s those are registered with the ministry of planning.

6.  Members of Official Foreign Delegations invited by Somaliland Government.

7.  Business investors invited by the Somaliland Ministry of Commerce.

8.  Somali ethnic origin with Foreign Travel Documents.

9.  Travelers from the following Countries can obtain visas on arrival.  Europian Contries, Canada, USA,   Brazil,   China,   Russia,  Turkey, Taiwan, South Africa, Morocco,  Tunisia,  Members of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) such as Saudi, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, and IGAD Region Countries.  

Category B: 

All other applicants regardless of their nationality are required the visa for the respective BusinessTouristHealthEducationTransit visa and etc, to apply in advance of their arrival at Department of Immigration Head Quarter through their local agents or their respective Somaliland Diplomatic Mission  offices in their countries of residence. 

The applicants that is not allowed visas on arrival can be obtainable from Somaliland Diplomatic Mission  offices such as (London, UAE, Nairobi, Addis Ababa, Djibouti, etc.). In addition, Visa forms will be obtainable through the Department of Immigration  website. www.slimmigration.com